Whether you are a regular coffee drinker or just coffee-curious, you may want to know more about the role coffee plays in your health.
You’ve come to the right place to explore how coffee can fit into healthy diets—and its impact on health outcomes. Here you’ll find a wealth of information about coffee and health, all based on independent research, including evidence that shows that drinking coffee is associated with overall longer, healthier lives.
Health benefits of coffee
Here we summarize the many health benefits associated with drinking coffee, including the reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, Alzheimer’s, multiple cancers, and other chronic diseases. You’ll also learn how drinking coffee can help improve brain and mental health as well as energy and endurance. Overall, researchers have linked drinking coffee to living longer!

Research library
The NCA research library offers you a convenient, one-stop resource to find independent research on health benefits associated with drinking coffee. NCA continuously reviews scientific publications, assesses the strength of evidence, and updates this research library as new information becomes available.

Frequently asked questions
You may have questions about coffee and health—and we aim to help you find answers. In this section, you’ll find common questions on a range of popular topics related to coffee and the different ways it interacts with your body.

Remember, every person is different, and the information provided here is just a starting point. Always consult a health care provider on your specific health and medical considerations and individual needs.