Coffee consumption and risk of endometrial cancer: a pooled analysis of individual participant data in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2)
Conclusion Statement
In conclusion, we found that increased coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of EC. The inverse association between coffee consumption and EC risk was especially strong among females who were overweight or obese. No effect modification by other EC risk factors was observed. Our results further support the potential beneficial health effects of coffee consumption in relation to EC. Further research to assess the potential causality of such an association as well as gain a better understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms is warranted.
Crous-Bou M, Du M, Gunter MJ, Setiawan VW, Schouten LJ, Shu XO, Wentzensen N, Bertrand KA, Cook LS, Friedenreich CM, Gapstur SM, Goodman MT, Ibiebele TI, La Vecchia C, Levi F, Liao LM, Negri E, McCann SE, O’Connell K, Palmer JR, Patel AV, Ponte J, Reynolds P, Sacerdote C, Sinha R, Spurdle AB, Trabert B, van den Brandt PA, Webb PM, Petruzella S, Olson SH, De Vivo I; Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2). Coffee consumption and risk of endometrial cancer: a pooled analysis of individual participant data in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2). Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 Nov;116(5):1219-1228. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqac229. Epub 2023 Feb 10. PMID: 36041172; PMCID: PMC9630862.